Enabling late-stage decoration of FMCG product packaging

Enabling late-stage decoration of FMCG product packaging

Our client wished to establish greater flexibility in how the packaging of one of its most successful products is decorated

This capability would allow them to more effectively produce small batches of products for specific markets, as well as respond to other marketing driven changes more easily.

Print roller

To supplement their own investigations into potential alternative printing approaches, they asked the 42T team to explore a wider range of digital deposition technologies. We were also tasked with identifying those that best fit their operational and commercial requirements.

Says Stuart Gilby, Director of Food & Beverage at 42T, “We have a particularly diverse digital deposition experience within our team. We could therefore identify a number of potential technologies and could assess these against the client’s requirements.”

Two specific technologies and implementation approaches were recommended, with next steps identified.

Project achievements

  • We pinpointed two specific technologies and implementation approaches – both showed the potential to achieve the client’s flexibility ambitions
  • Next steps were identified. The client could then confirm the feasibility of each approach prior to making a final decision


Our client acknowledged the high level of the team’s expertise on the project and a deep level of detail in our work. They added that deliverables exactly met expectations agreed at the beginning of the project.

Furthermore, our client said that they were given a clear market perspective and a field for further thinking with clear ways to move forward identified.

If you would like to find out more, contact Director of Food & Beverage, Stuart Gilby:

answers@42T.com | +44 (0)1480 302700 | Stuart Gilby | LinkedIn


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