Case Studies | 42 Technology

Strengthening DLOC’s organ-on-chip patents | 42T

Written by 42T Team | Jun 28, 2024 11:39:25 AM

42T has undertaken a series of expert technical reviews of DLOC’s system design and IP, ensuring their ‘human-on-chip’ system is scalable and well protected - to make drug development faster, cheaper & safer. 

DLOC Biosystems is developing the world's most advanced organ-on-chip technology. Their fully-automated ‘human-on-chip’ system will connect multiple chips of different tissue types together, as a platform for pre-clinical 'trials-on-chip' testing of pharmaceuticals.

The new system will enable DLOC to launch a pre-clinical 'trials-on-chip' testing service for pharmaceutical companies and contract research organisations, the aim being to reduce the cost of drug development while increasing the safety of human trials.Pictured: The system connects multiple microfluidic biochips together, such as those shown above, to create accurate biomimetic models of renal, hepatic, mammary and other ductal tissues

What we did

42T’s ongoing work as selected engineering development partner is confidential, but previous work has included:

  • Designing review workshops with key 42T subject matter experts in fluidic engineering, high-volume manufacture and automation
  • Undertaking technical review and system design advice, addressing key development and scale-up risk early in the design process
  • Developing and evaluating alternative embodiments and advised how to submit strong patent applications offering optimum protection

Above: DLOC's microfluidic biochips contain proprietary features such as ultrathin porous scaffolds to enable the growth of precise 3D micro-tissues and structures. This image shows supplying culture medium into super-slow rocking devices developed by DLOC to maintain cell viability and functionality within the microfluidic chips

Project achievements

42T has strengthened the IP that is protecting DLOC’s core technology at initial and Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT) application stages.

We also managed to reduce the development and scale-up risk with targeted early expert technical review and system design input.

Once launched, DLOC’s ‘human-on-chip’ system will make drug development faster, cheaper and safer.

Project outcome

Simon Jelley, Head of Innovation at 42T says, "42T’s multidisciplinary experience in fluidics, sensing, manufacturing and automation, applied in technical and IP review, helped DLOC de-risk their system as well as improve their patent protection by anticipating challenges and opportunities early in the development process."

Waddah Malaeb, CEO and co-founder of DLOC says, “42 Technology has been the ideal development partner to help boost the intensive system development programme that’s already ongoing within DLOC’s own laboratories and manufacturing facility, and with our university partners."

"The company’s engineering team is well known for its collaborative approach, as well as having significant expertise in areas such as microfluidics, high-precision mechanical engineering and system design.”

More on this story here.

Above: DLOC has been working with 42 Technology to strengthen its core patents, such as those protecting its unique microfluidic biochips

If you would like to find out more, please contact Craig Townsend | +44 (0)1480 309461 | LinkedIn: Craig