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42T’s Dr Euan Smith presents breakthrough colour measurement tech at Display Week 2024

Written by Dr Euan Smith | May 9, 2024 8:57:00 AM

Dr Euan Smith, Head of Systems & Photonics at 42T

Dr Euan Smith was invited to present a review paper on one of the industry’s hottest topics at this year’s Display Week 12 - 17 May in San Jose. He won a Distinguished Paper award at the event.

Display Week is the world’s biggest industry event for the electronics display market, worth over US $120 billion, and takes place in Silicon Valley every year in May.

Leading expert Dr Euan Smith presents on a new technique for visualising the range of reproducible colours/colour gamut of electronic display media.    Photo: Carl Pullen

The event provides a showcase for the latest discoveries, innovations and products that will be hitting the shelves internationally within the next few years.

Electronic display media technology

Euan’s paper, called ‘Assessing Colour Capability with Gamut Ring Intersection’ discusses a new, more informative technique for visualising the range of reproducible colours (or colour gamut) of electronic display media.

His paper is one of several in a special session dedicated to the approach, which is now being proposed as a new international standard to help manufacturers achieve better colour consistency across different output devices.

The paper is also one of only 28 to be nominated as a distinguished contribution to this year’s technical symposium from a total of over 600 oral and poster papers. As a result, it will be published in a special issue of the Journal of the Society for Information Display distributed to everyone attending the event.

“Euan is well known within 42T and by our clients for his expertise in optics and data analysis. But I don’t think any of us were completely aware of his pioneering work in assessing colour capability. His Display Week presentation on using gamut ring plots is now the third time he’s been recognised as making a distinguished contribution, underscoring his pivotal role in developing this breakthrough approach,” said Jon Spratley, CEO at 42 Technology.

The gamut ring framework was first proposed by Dr Kenichiro Masaoka of Japan’s national broadcaster NHK, who has partnered with Euan and others to develop it as a better way of assessing colour capability.

Euan says, "The problem is that although humans perceive colour in three dimensions, based on hue, saturation and brightness, displays are still typically characterised using two-dimensional chromaticity plots that cannot fully quantify the achievable colour range. This limitation makes it difficult for product manufacturers to easily assess whether a display component that they have specified for a product can actually deliver the required performance."

The Gamut Ring Intersection (GRI) plot above shows the colour gamut of a laser projection system compared to the sRGB standard. Where a chromaticity plot would suggest that this display can fully cover all sRGB colours, the GRI plot shows some of the colour performance has been traded off in order to improve the peak luminance.

Euan has developed algorithms and software tools used to calculate and generate two-dimensional (2D) gamut plots and has made them open source so they are publicly available.

He is also project co-lead, with Dr Masaoka, within a working group of the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) to develop gamut ring plots as a new international standard. The aim being to give product manufacturers an approved way of better assessing the colour capability of the components they are purchasing.

Euan receives Distinguished Paper Award from Display Week 

The first new IEC standard is being developed for laser projectors used in home and commercial cinemas but it is expected also to be developed for other display types. Gamut ring plots can just as easily assess the colour capability of any display media, such as computer screens, flat screen TVs and printed materials, potentially leading to a series of new global standards for other products too.

In addition to Display Week, Euan will also present a SID webinar (Society for Information Display) explaining the benefits of gamut ring over chromaticity plots on Tues, 23 July 2024.

Although the first new IEC standard is being developed for laser projectors, gamut ring plots can just as easily be used to assess the colour capability of any display media including printed materials as shown above.

More about Euan

Euan is a member of the ICDM and is a UK technical expert in IEC TC110.

An optical physicist by training, he has taken a long and varied path over 25 years of commercially facing technology development. Starting with large-scale laser design through OLED and projection displays to camera systems and AI-based image processing.

He is an author on over 40 patent families, more than 160 patents in total, across diverse technical areas. Euan still publishes the occasional paper and is a contributing author to ‘The Handbook of Optoelectronics’. 

Press coverage

Display Daily article here

Cambridge Network article here

Display Week presentation listing here

Have a question you would like to ask Euan? | +44 (0)1480 302700 | Euan Smith | LinkedIn

Euan has enjoyed challenges from nano-scale photonics to system-level display design, image processing on restricted embedded systems, through to full-stack web-app development. Read more about Euan and our team here.