Advanced simulation helped optimise cooling tunnel design

Advanced simulation helped optimise cooling tunnel design

Our client needed a cooling solution with performance better than that achievable from current cooling tunnel products

We worked in close collaboration with the client team and with their selected cooling tunnel supplier to enhance a basic tunnel design.

What we did

A combination of analysis, numerical simulation and experimental work helped us create a detailed thermofluidic simulation of the existing tunnel and an enhanced version with significantly improved cooling performance.

The principles of the enhanced design were then implemented by the cooling tunnel supplier with technical oversight by the 42T team.

Project achievements

The final tunnel design delivered significant improvements in performance in the factory and has been adopted as a key component in the client’s future manufacturing approach.

Read more about it here.

If you would like to find out more, contact Director of Food & Beverage, Stuart Gilby : | +44 (0)1480 302700 | Stuart Gilby | LinkedIngabler cooling tunnel


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