Creating a roadmap for a new sustainable purchasing model

Creating a roadmap for a new sustainable purchasing model

A global FMCG client wanted to rethink how its products were sold in store without compromising the consumer experience

What we did

We explored the bottom line by understanding:

  • the consumer, supply chain, and stakeholders
  • the environmental impact
  • the company motivation
  • the commercial considerations

User journeys, risk assessment and theoretical models were produced to inform our understanding of the various influencing factors to a successful solution.

Using the information gathered and analysed, we recommended a specific reuse model.

Project achievements

A roadmap was put together with milestones for the client to validate the model from both a financial and consumer experience perspective.

If you would like to find out more, contact Director of Consumer, Robin Ferraby: | +44 (0)1480 302700 | Robin Ferraby | LinkedIn

Creating a roadmap for a new sustainable purchasing model



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