Developing concepts for hygienic electronic devices

Developing concepts for hygienic electronic devices

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our client was concerned that their consumers were becoming increasingly aware of the cleanliness of their devices

Developing concepts for hygienic electronic devices

They asked 42 Technology to explore the potential avenues in which a consumer can be reassured and confident in the cleanliness of their devices.

What we did

We developed a programme of interviewing current users, surveying them on the perception of cleanliness.

In this way, we gained valuable understanding of how users interact with the device. We also spent time using the devices ourselves.

This information gathering was valuable in building unassumed personas and user journeys for the technical workshops.

Project achievements

From these workshops a wide variety of concepts were produced, developed and finally presented to the client.

If you would like to find out more, contact Director of Consumer, Robin Ferraby: | +44 (0)1480 302700 | Robin Ferraby | LinkedIn

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