Identifying approaches to reducing transition losses in a beverage manufacturing process

Identifying approaches to reducing transition losses in a beverage manufacturing process

A side-effect of our client’s batch processing manufacturing system was that a high level of product was being lost during transition from product to water and vice-versa as part of system cleaning between batches. 

All product in the transition zone became waste and represented significant costs per year.

What we did

Our team carried out a rigorous assessment of the root causes of these losses, including theoretical modelling of system behaviour.

Creative workshops identified a wide range of potential approaches to reducing these losses, a number of which showed promise from both a practical and commercial perspective.

Project achievements

Further assessment of leading approaches continues with a view to conducting proof-of-principle trials on our client’s pilot line.

If you would like to find out more, contact Director of Food & Beverage, Stuart Gilby: | +44 (0)1480 302700 | Stuart Gilby | LinkedInIdentifying approaches



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