Improving the recyclability of mixed material packaging

Improving the recyclability of mixed material packaging

Many packaging solutions use multiple materials which, whilst recyclable individually, must be separated for recycling.

This can present challenges to the consumer, both in terms of convenience and practicality, resulting in missed recycling opportunities. Such solutions have generally been developed to address a number of distinct functional and performance requirements.

What’s the alternative?

By critically re-examining these requirements, alternative solutions can often be created, delivering the same packaging performance in terms of:

  • Packaging functionality & performance
  • User experience
  • Cost & manufacturing compatibility
  • Regulatory requirements

We are experts in packaging redesign

Our team has established a track record of mixed material packaging redesign, leading to either mono-material designs or more easily separable materials.

If you would like to find out more, contact Director of Consumer, Robin Ferraby: | +44 (0)1480 302700 | Robin Ferraby | LinkedIn

Recycling bin



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